Smoothies are a healthy person’s best friend, but what if that person is actually a vegan? While it’s easy enough to substitute cow’s milk for a plant milk, we thought it’d be better to bring you 7 vegan smoothie recipes that were specifically made to be vegan. The following smoothie recipes have been lovingly crafted by some awesome recipe blogs who we've featured in the past, so be sure to check them out and send our love!
Strawberry Oat Breakfast Smoothie by Veggies By Candlelight
The first delicious smoothie on this list simple recipe created by Veggies By Candlelight! This lovely drink is a fast and filling smoothie with a rich, creamy texture. Made with almond milk, it's totally vegan! This is a quick and easy breakfast idea that'll add some variety to your breakfast. This substantial smoothie is a departure from the berry-heavy smoothie, and aims to be more filling until lunch time.
Find the recipe here:
Green Protein Power Breakfast Smoothie by ILoveVegan
Up next on our list is a super healthy breakfast smoothie! This drink, created by ILoveVegan is the perfect morning pick-me-up to get the day started off right. A smoothie like this will fill you right up and have you ready for anything the day throws at you! This can be especially useful for people who don't have much of an appetite in the morning.
Find the recipe here:
Banana Almond Smoothie by Martha Rose Shulman
This next recipe was created by Martha Rose Shulman and it's packed with vitamins, minerals and omega-3’s! The main interest of this recipe is the flaxseeds, which Martha will give you more information about in her post! The delicious-looking smoothie pictured was taken by the very talented Cookie And Kate, who also covered this healthy recipe!
Find the recipe here:
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Stoplight Mango Green Smoothie by Minimalist Baker
This next entry is absolutely gorgeous, as you can see! This is the stoplight mango green smoothie, brought to you by Minimalist Baker. This recipe features a frozen mango base, followed by strawberry and spinach flavours. Yum! You can even get creative and use other fruits or veg for the colours! This recipe could also be a fun little way to make some cute paper straws. As mango is the prominent flavour in this smoothie, this drink is perfect for mango lovers.
Find the recipe here:
Probiotic Pumpkin Pear Smoothie by Veggie Inspired
Veggie Inspired is the creator of this delicious probiotic smoothie that actually won a smoothie recipe contest! This dairy free smoothie is the perfect balance of sweet, fruity, earthy, and spicy. If you've ever been to one of Nourished by Nature's workshops, you'll know how important probiotics are! This recipe is definitely worth checking out.
Find the recipe here:
Healthy Apple Crumble Smoothie by Easy Cheesy Vegetarian
When you hear the words 'apple crumble', healthy probably isn't the word that comes to mind. However, Easy Cheesy Vegetarian seems to have done this impossible with this healthy smoothie! This smoothie contains fruit, spices, a spoonful of oats, and a dash of milk, which sounds like a very healthy breakfast to me! While the recipe creator used cow's milk in her recipe, she believes oat milk would taste yummy too, and this recipe was too cool for us to pass up.
Find the recipe here:
Creamy Coconut Spirulina Superfood Smoothie by Cotter Crunch
The smoothie pictured above is one heck of a cool smoothie created by Cotter Crunch. This smoothie is an easy way to boost energy and protein intake without the need for protein powder. The selling point of this recipe is the use of spirulina, which is a mega superfood! Cotter Crunch will give you a better rundown of what this superfood does in their post.
Find the recipe here:
Soul Food Kitchen's Smoothies
Lastly, if you’re not wanting to make your own smoothie, why not pop down to Soul Food Kitchen and get one of our smoothies? We have some delicious smoothies with health in mind! Not to mention, we have some fresh juice and some wellness shots as well, so we have plenty to offer!